• Celery Printing and Exploring Patterns in Nature

  •  Ideally you will need:

    • Celery stump
    • Paint
    • Paper
    • Paintbrush (optional)


  • How to do it

    1. Slice the “stump” off a bunch of celery. Invite your children to examine  the cross-section: what do they notice? Does it remind them of anything? 
  • 2. Paint the stump with a paintbrush or dip it into a small puddle of paint. A clean yogurt lid makes a great palette.

  • 3.Press the stump onto the paper to make a print.

  • 4. If desired, you can use a brush to add embellishments, such as these leaves.

  • Extending the Experience

    Other natural items work great for prints too. Check out this print I made with a English ivy leaf. 

  • What if you don’t have paint?

    Get creative! If you have playdough, you could try making an impression with the celery stump (spraying it lightly with cooking spray might help it release more easily from the dough). Gather small stones or twigs and make a pattern inspired by the plants.

  • Look at the Patterns All Around Us

    Look around outside for other natural patterns you can find. If you have to stay inside, look for pictures of plants and flowers in books or on the Internet. Talk about how they are similar or different from the celery pattern. How do your celery rose prints compare to a real rose?

  • For Older Kids

    An older child might enjoy creating their own drawing or painting of the patterns they find. The painting on the left was created by my daughter when she was 11. 

  • Bonus Science Experiment!

    After I finished my art project, I washed off the stump and placed it in a shallow dish with water.

  • Here’s how it looks after one week! 

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